08 January 2007


In case you didn’t hear…cough, cough…Oprah built a school in Africa. Great! I am in full support of that endeavor. During the limited TV coverage…cough, cough…of the opening of her school I wrestled with several thoughts:

1) Oprah’s school is a good example of ‘conservative’ philanthropic work. How so? Well, generally when conservatives see a problem…we go fix it. We act through churches, charitable organizations, or with the sweat of our own brow. When liberals see a problem…they find a politician/law/entitlement to fix the problem…oh yeah, and then find a mean-spirited conservative to blame. In fact, the way I see it, Oprah’s school is a great model of how Hollywood glitterati and Joe American alike should act when they see people in need. Unfortunately, for a far too great a number of American voters not much of any good occurs unless government is involved. More bureaucracy is not the answer. Just the good works of good hearted people helping those in need.

2) Here is Oprah’s explanation as to why she opened her school in South Africa, not the United States:

“I became so frustrated with visiting inner-city schools that I just stopped going. The sense that you need to learn just isn't there," she says. "If you ask the kids what they want or need, they will say an iPod or some sneakers. In South Africa, they don't ask for money or toys. They ask for uniforms so they can go to school.” (Newsweek, Jan.8th Issue)
(These comments sound a lot like the remarks made by Bill Cosby a few years ago (transcript) that got him in so much hot water.)

Oprah, unfortunately I believe what you say. I believe that you do see many kids in the inner city that meet you with the sentiment that they would rather have an iPod or X Box instead of a quality education. I can see why you would feel bitter. But I think you are missing the point. There are so many others, bright…eager…desperate to learn…that live in the inner city and need privately funded schools, just like the one you opened in South Africa, Oprah, so that they can break free from an educational system that has let them down. They need school vouchers and charter schools that look for an alternative approach. They need privately operated schools, just like the one you opened, to be less demonized by the NEA and many of your liberal friends, which I’m sure, think that YOUR privately operated school is the greatest.

So get back on TV, Oprah…sell more commercial time…open three more $40 million privately operated schools in inner city Chicago and show us how great our kids can be.


Me again said...

hi there, stooped by your blog. Definitely a good read.

Anonymous said...

Interesting indeed...if Oprah was a trillionaire, and she built 500 school like this across the nation, would it sour some liberal folk?

It probably would sour some, and it is these Americans that believe that an excellent Oprah school is fantastic across the ocean, but not at home.

Good post CG.

BAXTER CG said...

Thanks for your response to my post...also thanks to those of you who responded to my post on race back in December.

Thought you might enjoy this article....good stuff...
