29 November 2006

Why Lawyers Suck

There is lots of animosity in this country toward lawyers. Need proof?
    Q. What do have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand?
    A. Not enough sand.

    Q. If you see a lawyer on a bicycle, why wouldn't you swerve to hit him?
    A. It might be your bicycle.

    Q. What's brown and black and looks good on a lawyer?
    A. A doberman.
It's not that I hate people who are lawyers. I have many lawyer friends, most of whom are genuinely kind people--kind, at least, in the situations where I usually find them. They can be giving, caring, compassionate, sincere, and trustworthy people.

But for some reason, however, you can take a person with all those great qualities, put them through four years of legal training, stick a suit on them, throw them in front of a judge, and they turn into the spawn of Satan. What is wrong with these people?

There can, in fact, be lawyers who are not perpetually evil. They are the exception. I'm talking about the other 97% (yes, 3% is being very generous).

Here are my reasons for despising this profession (yes, they all bear on politics):
    #1 They make the rules that necessitate their own existence.
      Have you ever tried to read a legal document? Enough said. You know why they have to write it that way? Two reasons: 1) It ensures that you need to hire another one of them to understand it; 2) If they didn't write it that way one of their bretheren would come in, say it was too vague or too specific or too clear or not clear enough and would sue the pants off someone.

    #2 They are responsible for the Death of Responsibility
      Lawyers, over the last twenty years (maybe more) have found clients in those people who want to sue. Sue sue sue. That's the motto. Since this gets the lawyer paid, they become blamemongers. Nothing is your fault. Got fired? Boss must have been in the wrong. Let's sue. Spill coffee on yourself? Oh, you're the victim. Let's sue. Oh, you're fat? Sue Jack in the Box. Just google "frivilous lawsuits" and you can read for hours. Even though most of those lawsuits are summarily dimissed, some lawyer filed the papers, stood before the judge, and with a straight face told him/her that whatever harm came of the client's stupidity was really someone else's fault. It's never your fault. Blame someone else. Sue.

    #3 These same people become judges.
      You may have read about how much I loathe judicial activism. It's no wonder that judges are willing to violate the sanctity of our Constitution and the foundations of our government for whatever purpose they choose. They have already been trained to violate the sanctity of truth, of reason, of responsibility, and of common sense. What's one more step in the process.

In the future I may well post a more dispassionate discussion of the negative effects of lawyers on America with more analysis, data, and argumentation. For now, let us realize that they are slowly but surely poisoning America with their flagrant disregard for personal responsibility.


Anonymous said...

This is another good reason why lawyers are poopy. Appartenly illiegal immigrants can sue employers for back wages when the employers fire them for being illigal. The main argument here, I think, is that it is Wendy's fault for not enrolling themselves in a program. Even though the main suer had NINE YEARS to become legal himself. After I read it I crapped my pants and forgot who I was for 17 min. I hope I'm not reading it wrong because I don't want to poop my pants for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers are arrogant, Lawyers believe that their law degree makes them superior ( wrong! ), lawyers make ten times what an average person makes while creating nothing-providing nothing-contributing nothing. They are worthless parasites who drain the economy and should be locked up.

Anonymous said...


Scotch2008 said...

the difference between a dead lawyer in the road and a dead dog in the road? skid marks in front of the dog...

Anonymous said...

Q: How can you tell when a lawyer or politician is lying?

A: His lips are moving.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree... getting screwed by my own divorce lawyer and now got another lawyer to sue him for malpractice and this lawyer is as bad as the other one... never available, sets dates in the future and when those dates come, no response or status, and always sets up meetings so she can get paid, plus, she always makes it out that she's doing everything for you... then why hasn't a simple case been solved already and time is wasting so you can keep getting paid while not doing anything, but constantly waiting for the other party's response.... greedy bastards the lot of them!

Anonymous said...

All parasites, care about nothing but money!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yet we let lawyers absolutely run the government in the USA. Changing that fact would be the best thing we could do for this country.

Broke from Ex said...

My divorce lawyer is also friends with my judge. I feel I am really getting screwed. he won't file any other motinons until he gets more money. I feel so screwed....

Adam C said...

I have to agree that there are a fair share of bad lawyers out there, but, to respond to the post and the comments,

1. We don't make the rules, even though we, on rare occasion, have some input. That's mainly left up to the legislatures. If the law's not clear, we get to make the arguments and judges decide how to interpret the laws that the legislatures screwed up. That's pretty much how it works.

2. If we weren't around, people would file their own lawsuits. There's never been a law (that I know of) to prevent people from proceeding pro se.

3. I'll admit, there's some judicial activism. However, we haven't been "trained to violate the sanctity of truth, of reason, of responsibility, of common sense." We've been trained to use it. It's the average person who doesn't understand those concepts.

4. Gern: Just because they're suing doesn't mean they'll win. In the immortal words of my Civil Procedure professor: "You can sue the Pope for bastardy if you can afford the filing fees."

5. Anonymous 1: I'm pretty sure you won't be saying that the next time you need a lawyer. In fact, I'm guessing you lost a case, or didn't come out as well as you would have liked on a case, and decided at that point that you didn't like lawyers. We're not miracle workers. We just do what we can with what you give us. Also, we don't make 10 times what the average person makes. It's probably around 2x to 3x for the average lawyer. Finally, we don't create/provide nothing. For example, we sometimes work our asses off to create mere 5-page documents that could save clients hundreds of thousands or even millions in liability, especially in estate planning. You don't think that's worth a little extra money?

6. Anonymous 4: If you did actually get screwed by your divorce lawyer, I'm sorry. There truly are some bad ones out there. However, as for your malpractice attorney, legal malpractice is never a simple case. Never, ever, ever. I do wonder why she's charging an hourly fee, though. If the case is worthwhile I would expect a contingent fee. Also, if she is on an hourly basis she's not charging you while she sits around waiting for the other party to respond. We're not allowed to do that.

7. Brooke from Ex: Heaven forbid that your lawyer require you to pay for his services. If legal services were free no one would do it. And a lot of lawyers are friends with judges. You just can't get around that. Especially in small towns. I doubt that it would be a problem. If anything, it would help to have someone "on the inside." The judge might (unintentionally, of course) lean a little bit more in your favor.

Unknown said...

You can justify just about anything, most all of the legislators "are lawyers", far too many are ambulance chasers... ever watch TV? The lawyer ads are everywhere all the time... (let us help you get the money you deserve!) The amount of people on disability I see in my office, who there is absolutly nothing wrong with, disgusts me and lawyers helped them get it. Everytime I have to sign some stupid release form, jump through a hoop, pay some ridiculous fee... or pretty much am required to do anything that is so asinine it makes my blood boil... I thank a lawyer!

Anonymous said...

I saw this the other day and couldn't have said it better - http://www.fuckedupblog.com/?page_id=109

Anonymous said...

And scariest of all..............97% of our elected officials in Washington D.C. are "Lawyers" who make the rules for us to follow but are exempt themselves. We should make it a law....anyone can be a politician provided that they are not now, nor never have been an attorney. Oh...wait a minute....it's those jerks that get to make the laws....I guess that will never happen.

Unknown said...

I'm an attorney, and from my years of experience I have seen many who abuse our legal system for personal profit, I call them the bottom feeders...
However, you could never have a well functioning democracy without those who are trained in the law, otherwise the government would have the power to abuse its citizenry without any checks on their power (why do you think lawyers are so often locked up in communist China). And even with tort claims (personal injury) probably 96% of claims are valid. They are just regular people trying to compensated for injuries caused by the negligence of others. So please next time you summarily dismiss the legal profession, just try to imagine a society devoid of lawyers.

Anonymous said...

How about when my wife braked to keep from crashing into the car in front of her. She succeeded and her bumper came to a rest abreast of the other drivers bumper. No damage, no scratch no nothing on either bumper. Later we get sued for $80K for everything from causing carpel tunnel syndrome to a list of everything you can imagine. So what kind of lawyer would do that? A greedy without conscience, bottom feeding scumbag. That's who. And they do it every day. The percentage is more like 50% than 3. I don't know where that 3% comes from. Lawyers advertise all day long promoting a "passion for justice". Baloney!!!

Anonymous said...

Getting a law degree can't be that tough, more than 1.3 million of them are in this country. The VAST majority of lawyers are a drain on society, producing nothing and ruining people and businesses for their benefit.

Anonymous said...

I have gone to court against lawyers numerous times and won! I am not a lawyer...Just smarter than them.

Anonymous said...

What do you get when you cross a lawyer with a pig?


There's some things even a pig won't do.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?

There's skid marks in front of the dog.

Anonymous said...

Most useless blog entry I've read in a long time. Oh how I love sweeping generalizations and ignorance!

Anonymous said...

Also, lot's of lawyers
Use Crystal Meth


"Hey, you really should hire a professional liar..."

Anonymous said...

Y'all are haters. You blame lawyers for creating a culture of blame, and then you blame lawyers for all your problems. Legislators are not lawyers, you dumbass, they're legislators. Why do people expect their attorney to slave away at their case for months, to deal with their worst nightmare problems, and then refuse to pay for it? It's almost as if they expect legal fees to be optional. It's non-lawyers that expect miracles that suck, not the lawyers. People have this strange notion that if they hire a good enough lawyer, then they'll get away with anything. That's not how the system works. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

I'm a nice guy and a lawyer - please don't generalize - I am ther to help people - I don't try to take advantage of people - I don't like most people in my profession, but not everyone is a jerk

Anonymous said...

I'm an attorney and confess that mine is a bullshit profession, full of bullshit people

myhatrick@aol.com said...

Adam C. Are you for real? Lawyers make the rules - there called politicians. Haven't been trained to violate the sanctity of truth? send me contact information and I'll send you a copy of the truth about divorce and family law. Yes our own greed brings lawyers into our lives - I'll give you that. Point 6: he's getting screwed because lawyers don't go after lawyers in divorce related matters. any law suit will never get past go period. Even if he found an honest lawyer the system is corrupt from the top down. Point 7: Lawyers are the tightest most powerful domestic interest group in this countries histoy. The Masons of yesteryear and the Jimmy Hoffa teamsters don't come close. One million lawyers have more power then 300 million Americans combined and there power continues to grow. We have the worlds highest divorce rate and incarceration rate to go along with the worlds highest rate of lawyers per capita in the world. this is not a coincidence. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and there is no greater example then the legal system in this country. Follow the money to the root of corruption and it leads to the front steps of the lawyers. Keep the government - Overthrow the lawyers

Anonymous said...

One of the reason we have a problem with them blood sucker is US

If people were to deny friendship to anyone in their families or friends, life would be better for all of us.

Who would want to go in that profession if we were to deny them friendship, all of us????

That's what I started doing that. Even someone I know Carmelle Marchessault, blood sucker bitch can die in hell as far as I'm concerned.

People get nice to lawyers just because you suck up for treats.

As far as I'm concerned, I HATE lawyers. I will NOT talk to them or even use their services. I would rather loose everything that I own than deal with them. The legal system sucks. It's just a money maker scheme, not to find the truth.

Lawyers are worse than those that they prosecute.

I can't wait for Almighty God to send them to hell for EVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

Voltaire had mentioned attorneys control people for the attorney's benefit. He was one of the sources of inspiration for the French revolution. I wonder when will there be an American revolution. I know a lot of attorneys, and i can say with certainty, that a lot of attorneys capitalize on the suffering of human beings, especially poor or uneducated people. You would hope that people in USA would be smart enough not to elect attorneys ( judiciary) as legislators as there is a conflict of interest. I guess we have only ourself to blame the abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lawyers they are up there with all the favorite good guys to wit- Bankers, Insurance Executives, Pharmaceutical Execs...the lot of them best intentions gone evil

Anonymous said...

You want to get back at a sorry lawyer, who is steadly screwing up your case, this is only for the dirty ones, reprt them to the IRS! Use Form 3949-A! They dirty one's always evade paying taxes!

Anonymous said...

its not the lawyers fault, its the church and other greedy corporations fault, so we should sue the church and the russian mafia too.

Anonymous said...

I have worked for many lawyers. Most are idiots and will screw their clients at any opportunity given. And to work for them? You might as well sell your soul to the devil. Its basically the same thing. Morals be damned. Never again!

Anonymous said...

If HALF the law schools disappeared in this country, NOTHING bad would happen. That's how you know a profession is WORTHLESS.

If HALF the medical schools closed, there would be a crisis. If HALF the pilot training schools closed, there would be a crisis. etc etc etc

If one of my kids came home from college and said they wanted to go to law school, I'd put a gun to my head.

Anonymous said...

My wife is an ex-attorney because she said after six years of practice in two "prestigious" law firms,she felt disgusted by what she had to do to be a "successful" attorney. Both firms made her lie about the hours worked on cases, string her clients' cases out to milk them, and collude with opposing lawyers in back rooms to decide the case. She was disgusted by the whole experience and now hates lawyers herself.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the middle of a nasty divorce for the past 4 years and have changed 4 lawyers. They all have been incompetent, ineffective, dishonest, and thieves. If this is the representation of the American Justice system, then I believe a single hair in the worst part of the body of a Taliban has more integrity than the whole American justice system.

Melody A. Kramer said...

Insightful post and interesting comments. Would love to talk with you about my upcoming book "Why Lawyers Suck and What You Can Do About It" Please let me know if you are interesting in chatting.

Anonymous said...

I got into trouble with the law, but I knew I was wrong and pleaded guilty. I went in front of the Judge and he said that if I did not hire a lawyer that he would give me the max sentence. I HATE all Lawyers!

Melody Kramer said...


Being unable to find contact information for you on this blog, I'm posting this request as a comment.

I would like to use a quote from your "Why Lawyers Suck" blog article in my upcoming book "Why Lawyers Suck and What You Can Do About It." The quote begins at "It's not that I hate people who are lawyers" and continues on through "What is wrong with these people?"

Although I'm sure my proposed use falls within the parameters of "fair use" and not requiring permission, I am sending you this request in an abundance of caution.

Please respond back to me at melody@legalgreenhouse.com

Unknown said...

Getting a refund out of a lawyer for incompetent and negligent work.

In Australia, Queensland’s Legal Services Commission publishes a brochure (The Application of the Australian Consumer Law to Lawyers) confirming that lawyers are subject to the Consumer Guarantee provisions of Australian Consumer Law (ACL) which provides for refunds, and as such are required to provide services with due care and skill, that are reasonably fit for their purpose and in a timely fashion, which means to avoid negligence.

Most lawyers think that they can charge for incompetent and negligent work, ignore consumer law and refuse to refund. They could even be so dumb as to not know of their statutory requirements.

Here is what one victim did about that: http://NorthCoastLawSucks.com