12 January 2007

More Like Them

You've heard of Nancy Pelosi, but have you heard of her youngest daughter, Alexandra?

In 2000 a quirky little documentary aired on HBO called Journeys with George. It chronicled the primary and general election runs of then Governor Bush. If you have not seen in, I highly recommend it. It paints the President as a very friendly, caring, funny, and likable person. The most amazing thing about the film is not that it was shot all by home video camera, not the great behind-the-scenes happenings of the mainstream media, not the rare (unpolished) access to the candidate, but rather the name on the cover: Alexandra Pelosi.I have seen uncut footage of Alexandra, and it is quite clear that she shares her mother's political leanings. Whereas I have little respect for Madame Speaker, I have a great deal of respect for Alexandra. While the Speaker was bashing the President, lowering the level of political discourse, Alexandra was, while no less liberal, raising it.

Now Alexandra has a new film coming out. It's called "Friends of God" and takes a trip through the evangelical community. According to the NY Times yesterday she finds a Christian Wrestling Federation, a Biblical Mini-Golf Course, and a drive-through church. Despite these inclusions (which, imho, make Christians look just plain silly), Pelosi tried to make this film present the best possible side of evangelicals.

Something Alexandra said when interviewed about her movie stuck out, so much so that one of my friends called it "one of the best quotes" he has read in a while:
'I believe in the culture war,' she said. 'And you know what? If I have to take a side in the culture war I’ll take their side,' meaning the Christian conservatives. 'Because if you give me the choice of Paris Hilton or Jesus, I’ll take Jesus.'
Wow. Pelosi the Younger is well aware of the reality that many evangelicals will dismiss her movie out of hand because they so vociferously disagree with the Speaker, her mother; yet she is capable of praise of those same people.

Alexandra also wrote a piece about the relationship between the President and her mother. It is well worth reading.

Over the past two days, reading about Alexandra Pelosi, dialoguing with danny (see yesterday's post), talking with others about sending more troops into Iraq, recent conversations on race, etc., I am more optimistic than I have been in a long time about the tone of our conversations and our ability to let reason override emotion, to set aside the Freakshow, and to be civil toward those with whom we disagree.

Maybe we can beat the Freakshow. People like Alexandra and danny give me hope. May there be more like them.

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